on MouseUp global gMovieName, gMovie, gSoloMode global gNextIcon, gPreIcon, gBackIcon, gControlIcon, gIndexIcon, gFirstIcon global gLastFrame, gPlaceOfOrigin global gSideBarOfOrigin, gMap1Icon, gMap2Icon, gMultiPageSidebar if the ClickOn = gControlIcon then openControlPanel else if the ClickOn = gPreIcon then if gMultiPageSidebar = FALSE then -- single page sidebar if the frame = label("M1") then go to frame gSideBarOfOrigin else if the frame = label("M2") then go to frame gSideBarOfOrigin else go to frame gPlaceOfOrigin end if else -- multiple page sidebar if the frame = label("S5") then -- KLUDGE set gMultiPageSidebar = FALSE go to frame gPlaceOfOrigin else go to the frame - 1 end if end if else if the ClickOn = gNextIcon then if gMultiPageSidebar = TRUE then if the frame = label("End") then set gMultiPageSidebar = FALSE go to frame gPlaceOfOrigin else go to the frame + 1 end if end if else if the ClickOn = gMap1Icon and the frame = label("S2") then set gSideBarOfOrigin = the frame go to frame label("M1") else if the ClickOn = gMap2Icon and the frame = label("S2") then set gSideBarOfOrigin = the frame go to frame label("M2") end if end MouseUp